Camping with ScoutsThere are different types of camping in scouts, we have survival camps, lightweight camps, and standing camps, of which those could be Patrol Camps, Troop Camps, District Camps, Region Camps, State, National or even International Camps!!
A Standing camp is a camp which is where all the equipment is dropped off by car and then set up camp in one location for the entire weekend. It usually consists of a Queenslander tent (a canvas tent with wooden ridge poles and a groundsheet), a dining fly, which is large tent under which the dining tables and chairs and kitchen is set up. A survival camp is a specialised camp where Scouts take the basics and I mean absolute basics such as matches, knife and clothes on your back and use nature for shelter and food. Lightweight camps are for journeys or hikes where you only take 25% of your body weight and carry everything in a suitable backpack to the campsite and only set up a tent to sleep in. Patrol Camps consists of 4–8 Scouts will be self sufficient. Each Patrol will bring all their own camping gear, tents (one for boys and one for girls), cooking equipment, dining gear, these items are provided by the Scout Group and will be packed into the trailer by the Scouts. They will work together as a team to set up their campsite and do all the cooking and cleaning as a team. Each Patrol member will be allocated a duties which vary over the weekend and each member is expected to do their part. Troop Camps are generally Standing camps in which Scouts camp in Patrols.
Once you have attended the Leadership Course you will be required to successfully run a Patrol Camp in order to be awarded your Leadership Course Badge.